Ludwig van der Rohe explained a new way of constructing buildings in his working thesis from 1923. The building should imitate the human skeleton to optimize not only the structure but also the function of the building. This way of constructing is only possible with the materials:
Make no mistake, the traditional building techniques are carefully developed over time in the broad context of material access, culture and climate. They have their purpose and deserve to be honored for that.
And in the midst of this, a new way of architecture has arised.
The Illusion Houses.
As is the case with many of today’s faux products, manufactured stone owes a lot to advances in technology. Huge molds can turn out replicas of stone that are so realistic, you’d swear they were cut from a quarry, gathered at a riverbank, or pulled from a farmer’sfield. Many of these products will last for decades, and not fade.
In the module of relating periods Frida Svensen Varegg wrote the text Form And Function connected, claiming;
A wall was not constructed only because it was beautiful, a wall was constructed because it also was useful. The function of the building became a huge priority. Contemporary architecture is based on the functionality. Today we construct houses according to what the user need and require. Strict rules of how the characteristics of the building should be, does not longer exist. It’s the functionality that will affect the form and then again the outcome of the construction. The house is considered as a machine, and machines are made to have a function.Her argument is that constructing houses is purely based on functional matters. The Illusion Houses does not follow this logical reasoning. Forbes Magazine writes:
“A lot of people have a knee-jerk reaction to anything that’s fake,” says Starkweather. “But just because something isn’t real doesn’t mean it isn’t quality.”
Whether quality is an issue or not will not be further discussed in this article, but it is neither a part of the real question. If the Modern Movement arrived as a result of taking advantage of the new materials avalible on the market, and the contemporary architecture uses both traditional and industrialized structural elements, giving the importance of context back. Ina Kristin Ullenes writes in Adaptation then and Now:
Contemporary architects can be described as slightly more retrospective. Francisco de Gracia predicts the importance of taking history and the surroundings and into account when constructing [3]. Jesus San Vicente emphasizes on adapting to the traditional methods and obtaining knowledge of the vernacular. The contemporary approach to adapting has become more nostalgic in the sense that they taking history and tradition more-so into account compared to their modern counterparts [4].
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