El blog muestra el trabajo colectivo realizado en el tema TEXTO del curso Sistemas de Representación I 2015-16 llevado a cabo en la Escuela de Arquitectura la Salle, Barcelona. El blog es la última actividad de una secuencia que se inició con la lectura de artículos sobre arquitectura contemporánea, que luego fueron relacionados con manifiestos de las vanguardias de principios del siglo veinte. La relación entre ambos textos se hizo a través de la creación colectiva un vocabulario de conceptos en el entorno de aprendizaje SDR: NET, y de aplicaciones multimedia desarrolladas con Flash. El objetivo del blog es resumir las ideas que surgen de relacionar el debate sobre la arquitectura de hoy con los principios de la arquitectura moderna. En las entradas del blog la expresión escrita se complementa con las imágenes y banners multimedia. A la derecha se encuentran los conceptos comunes que ponen en relación las diversas entradas del blog.

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015


Modern architecture 

in relation with

contemporary architecture

When comparing modern architecture with today's architecture, there are multiple similiarities. In many ways contemporary architecture is based on the modern. The modern architecture was sort of a revolution in the architectural history. New designs, concepts, functions etc. was introduced, and numerous of these ideas har been transfered to the contemporary architecture. 

Geometrical forms and simplicity

Simple shapes and clean lines was a revelation in the Modern architecture. Ornaments and heavy detailing was outdated and the modernistic architects was ready to begin a new chapter. Le Corbusier was one of the most important architects when it comes to the modern movement. He had a great impact on many architects later, which we can see is reflected in the contemporary architecture.

"The human eye seek to understand shapes and feel a comfort when it does." 
- A new way to look at architecture, Frida Svensen Varegg

Le Corbusier, Villa Savoye, 1931
Artigas Arquitects, Casa R, 2015

Industrialiazation and mass production

The knowledge of technical systems and machines has grown simultaneously as the society has grown and evolved. This means that we now have more resources to create and design architecture. Together with the industrialization, we have gotten more possibilities. Mass-production is a result of the industrialization. It is based on analysis and experimentation that produces a building with the beauty of pure functioning elements. The industrial parts with the tools used enhances the architecture. Le Corbusier compared the house to “(...) a machine for living in.”.

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