El blog muestra el trabajo colectivo realizado en el tema TEXTO del curso Sistemas de Representación I 2015-16 llevado a cabo en la Escuela de Arquitectura la Salle, Barcelona. El blog es la última actividad de una secuencia que se inició con la lectura de artículos sobre arquitectura contemporánea, que luego fueron relacionados con manifiestos de las vanguardias de principios del siglo veinte. La relación entre ambos textos se hizo a través de la creación colectiva un vocabulario de conceptos en el entorno de aprendizaje SDR: NET, y de aplicaciones multimedia desarrolladas con Flash. El objetivo del blog es resumir las ideas que surgen de relacionar el debate sobre la arquitectura de hoy con los principios de la arquitectura moderna. En las entradas del blog la expresión escrita se complementa con las imágenes y banners multimedia. A la derecha se encuentran los conceptos comunes que ponen en relación las diversas entradas del blog.

lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

Anna Ubach

The blog shows the collective work done during the sector of Text of the Systems of Representation subject, carried out in the university La Salle, Barcelona. To be more precise, the blog is the final activity of the continuous sequence of articles about  the relationships between the contemporary architectural  and the architectural program of modern architecture. This relationship between articles, has been done trough the collective creation of a vocabulary of concepts about the topics and the development of animated applications trough the program Flash.
The main aim of the blot is to summarize the import an ideas that emerge as a result of the debate about the Architecture of today with the one of the begging of the Modern Architecture. As it can be seen below, the written expression is complemented with images and banners multimedia. 

Thursday,  15 of September of 2015
Architecture has a life, it is born and it grows along with humanity, as it has to evolve to satisfy the new needs and demands of its society. 

Architecture, just like human and other sciences has the feature that when born it grows, it develops along with humanity, as human has used to achieve shelter and also comfort later on. There are several opinions about if its a improvement or a regression, but the fact is that it changes.
In my opinion, this change provides an incredible potential of evolution towards to the improvement and the liberation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The evolution of humanity ending with an architect. It represents the ..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 evolution along with the adaptation of the society.


“Building on the built"

The text is based on the modern superposition that has taken place during this 20th century’s architecture. There are several opinions and points of views about it, but for Francisco de Garcia it has been a violent intromission to the historical places, as architecture has subjected itself to agents and processes not pertaining to it, causing the loss of all that makes it a discipline beyond the confines of history and presenting it self as the opposite to the existent.
In addition, the Modern Movement refuses the idea of traditional architecture, by denying the chance to continue building the city as an artistic entity , which leads to an architecture without identity and loss of the compositional coherence. Furthermore, it has orchestrated an obstinate rejection of mimicry, fallaciously identifying it with mere imitation and copy, when since classical Greece it has been necessary exigent in the evolving nature of artistic production.As a result of these conflict, Francisco Garcia defends that modernity is possible with the best contribution morphological combination of old and new, preserving their identities without them coming into conflict. The idea is to make improvements without modifying for modifying’s sake becoming the center of attention. 
In conclusion, a new architecture movement should be born, based on the reconciliation of the historical architecture and the contemporary movement, without losing the efficient methods, superposition of styles, the cultural component and its evolution.

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